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C9 vs UOL Meteos Lee Sin kick
C9 Meteos with the legendary Kick (FW vs. C9) [Worlds 2016]
Meteos Lee Sin Play - LoL World 2016
FW vs C9 - Worlds 2016 Week 1 Day 3 Group B | LoL S6 World Championship Flash Wolves vs Cloud 9
Sick Lee Sin kick By Meteos - IEM San jose
Cloud9 League of Legends - Relive the Moment: Meteos Amazing Kick
C9 Meteos Insec Lee Sin Kick!
C9 Meteos Lee Sin amazing kick
C9 Meteos great leesin kick on CRS Cop - C9 vs CRS - NA LCS Summer Split 2014
Meteos reflects on his amazing Lee kick at IEM
Xmithie Lee Sin cool Slow motion kick over the wall kill on Meteos | Vulcun vs Cloud 9 | NA LCS W9D1
Blaber CARRIES C9 With One Lee Sin Kick